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Online Source of Live Meteor Reception Raw Audio

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:17 pm
by charley
To All,

I have been working on fielding a standalone VHF receiver for detecting and logging meteor reflections.

I have had some success and I am now working to test and validate the detection and logging software.

I have been reading the mail on this forum and have gotten a lot of insight and understanding. I read with interest an article in the Equipment Section of this forum an article by Ciprian Sufitchi, G0DJA, about remote access to a Meteor Receiver Raw Audio over the internet.

Here is a link which will allow you to get access to this raw meteor audio feed
I have found this raw audio source very useful for system testing.

Has anyone used the Radio SkyPipe Application to provide remote access to their Meteor Receiver? If so I would like to start a conversation about your experiences.

I live in Texas and I have a long term goal trying to replicate a system such as GB3MBA.


Charley, W5BAA