Greetings from Australia

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Greetings from Australia

Post by VK3DBP »

Hi, everyone,

I am interested in establishing a meteor detection network in Australia along similar lines to your UK Meteor project. We have a greater area to cover 😀 but the principles are the same. In particular, I hope we may be able to set up a dedicated beacon in a suitable quiet location.

I am located in Melbourne and I currently have a two-element 6m Yagi pointing towards Devonport on the northern coast of Tasmania, where the amateur beacon VK7RAE is located. I occasionally hear the beacon direct when 6m conditions are right, but mostly I get the meteor pings. My best result lasted nearly 90s, during which I could hear the full CW ident from the beacon.

I teach Physics in two girls’ schools and I would like to get a system running in both as part of the STEM activities. I am also a member of the radio astronomy section of the Astronomical Society of Victoria and hope to get this group involved in meteor detection. We have a regular Drake’s Lounge Australia meeting via Zoom with SARA, the Society for Amateur Radio Astronomers.

73 for now

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