1. Accurate meteor counts to assist in identifying new meteor streams and detecting outbursts in current ones. Show meteor rates of showers over subsequent years
  2. Show meteor peaks of known showers hour by hour
  3. Cross correlation of radio traces with BRAMs and Graves beacons. Comparing time, frequency, intensity, Doppler shift, duration
  4. Cross correlation of radio traces with UKMON video camera observations
  5. Compute trajectories of meteoroids using data from multiple receiving stations determination of meteor stream orbits and potentially narrowing down the landing locations for meteorites
  6. Study the impact of high-altitude winds on the plasma trails
  7. D and E layer studies of the ionosphere
  8. HF/VHF emissions from meteors
  9. Estimation of the mass index of a meteor shower
  10. Calculate meteor fluxes
  11. Insights into meteoroid fragmentation processes

If you want any more information or you want to get involved please do get in touch